Appendix C – Witnesses appearing at public hearings

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Appendix C – Witnesses appearing at public hearings

Tuesday 7 February 2012 – Air Power Australia and REPSIM Ltd

GOON, Mr Peter Anthony, Head, Test and Evaluation, Principal Consultant/Adviser, Air Power Australia

KOPP, Dr Carlo, Head, Capability and Strategy Research, Air Power Australia

LONG, Mr Adrian Lindsay, Director, REPSIM Pty Ltd

MILLS, Mr Christopher Laurie, Director, REPSIM Pty Ltd

PRICE, Mr Michael, Managing Director, REPSIM Pty Ltd

Tuesday 28 February 2012 – Defence Welfare Association

JAMISON, Colonel David (Retired), National President, Defence Welfare Association

MORRALL, Group Captain Philip Leslie (Retired), Vice President, Pay and Conditions of Service, Defence Welfare Association

Friday 16 March 2012 – Department of Defence

BINSKIN, Air Marshal Mark, AO, Vice Chief of the Defence Force

CUNLIFFE, Mr Mark, PSM, Head Defence Legal, Defence Support Group

FOGARTY, Major General Gerard, AM, Acting Deputy Secretary People Strategies and Policy Group

GRIGGS, Vice Admiral Ray, AM, CSC, RAN, Chief of Navy

GRZESKOWIAK, Mr Steven, Acting Deputy Secretary, Defence Support Group

HURLEY, General David, AC, DSC, Chief of Defence Force

JONES, Vice Admiral Peter, AM, RAN, Chief Capability Development Group

KING, Mr Warren, Chief Executive Officer, Defence Materiel Organisation

LEWIS, Mr Duncan, AO, DSC, CSC, Secretary of Defence

LEWIS, Mr Simon, Associate Secretary Chief Operating Officer

McKINNIE, Ms Shireane, General Manager Systems, Defence Materiel Organisation

MORRISON, Lieutenant General David, AO, Chief of Army

OSLEY, Air Vice Marshal Kym, AM, CSC, Program Manager, New Air Combat Capability, Defence Materiel Organisation

PRIOR, Mr Phillip, Chief Finance Officer

SMITH, Air Vice Marshal Ian, AM, Deputy Head Strategic Reform and Governance

Tuesday 20 March 2012 – Lockheed Martin Aeronautic Company

BENTLEY, Mr Graham Mitchell, Director, International Business Development Australia

BURBAGE, Mr Charles Thomas, Executive Vice President and General Manager – F35 Joint Strike Fighter Program Integration

LIBERSON, Mr Gary Maxim, Technical Lead Operations Analysis – Strategic Studies Group

McCOY, Mr Bradley Kent, F-22 and F35 Strategic Analysis

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